We want to grow by your side

All the leading mediators
in the market trust our technology

Manage, plan, control and produce with more power!

Why brokerages choose Tesis Broker Manager…

Innovative technologyTesis Broker Manager is multi-user and multi-brokerage. No installation or web hosting required. Everything in the cloud.
Boosts productivityNot only does it automate the day-to-day operational and management tasks of a broker, but its dashboard provides a 360º view of the portfolio to plan and define strategies.
Integration with Avant2 Sales ManagerThe multi-platform connection makes the single user a reality: no more duplication of work, both platforms operate as one.

“Switching to Tesis has been the best possible technological decision for our brokerage. The integration with the rest of Codeoscopic’s products, and the bi-directional connectivity processes with companies, give us a notable competitive advantage; but the best thing is the attention and support to the broker from the Tesis team”.

Abel Ramos Fraga Managing Director of Ramos Fraga Insurance Brokers

“We implemented Tesis in 2015, as well as Avant2, when we started our national expansion. It was without a doubt a very wise decision. Our strong growth over the years would not have been possible without the growth of Tesis and Codeoscopic, with whom we have built a true partnership”.

Francisco Alcántara Chief Executive Officer of ALBROKSA

“If anything defines Tesis as a technological partner, it is the confidence in the service and the security in the operation of the tool. The sum of both factors gives you the necessary peace of mind to put the brokerage’s operational tasks in their hands and thus optimise the rest of the resources, focusing them on the client”.

Santiago Macho Gerente/Director Técnico de AUSFIXE Asesores

Integrated with all major insurance companies

Tesis Broker Manager guarantees maximum connectivity with all the main insurance companies in the market. A portfolio of around 30 companies work integrated with the ERP through the CIMA platform and allow the broker to carry out all types of tasks and document management.

The best technological ally
for large associations

Fitted with a dashboard to set objectives, define indicators and monitor consolidated results, at an organisational level. A strategic functionality for analysis and decision-making.

“For Willis Networks it is very important to count on Tesis for process clarity and data processing for its brokerages. The ability to integrate information and connect with our programmes is key to building a working environment tailored to the specific needs of Willis Networks brokers”.

José María Martín Head of Technology and WillPlatine at WTW Networks

Do you want to discover the power of Tesis Broker Manager?

Our team will be happy to help you achieve it